Seattle CEO who cut his pay so workers earned $70K resigns

SEATTLE - A Seattle CEO who announced in 2015 that he was giving himself a drastic pay cut to

Seattle CEO who cut his pay so workers earned $70K resigns

help cover the cost of big raises for his employees has announced his resignation. Dan Price, the 

Seattle CEO who cut his pay so workers earned $70K resigns

embattled CEO of credit card processing company Gravity Payments, resigned Wednesday, The Seattle

Seattle CEO who cut his pay so workers earned $70K resigns

Times reported. Price stunned his 100-plus workers when he told them he was cutting his roughly $1 

Seattle CEO who cut his pay so workers earned $70K resigns

million salary to $70,000 and using company profits to ensure that everyone there would earn at 

Seattle CEO who cut his pay so workers earned $70K resigns

least that much within three years. "My No. 1 priority is for our employees to work for the best 

Seattle CEO who cut his pay so workers earned $70K resigns

company in the world, but my presence has become a distraction here," Price wrote in a statement 

Seattle CEO who cut his pay so workers earned $70K resigns

on Twitter. He founded the company 18 years ago. "I also need to step aside from these duties to 

Seattle CEO who cut his pay so workers earned $70K resigns

focus full time on fighting false accusations made against me," he wrote. "I’m not going anywhere."

Seattle CEO who cut his pay so workers earned $70K resigns

Earlier this year, Seattle prosecutors charged Price with misdemeanor assault against