Review: King Princess reigns with new summer anthems

In “Hold on Baby,” King Princess’ second album, there’s something emotionally relatable for all

Review: King Princess reigns with new summer anthems

her listeners. Mikaela Straus, the 23-year-old musician behind King Princess, had a viral breakout hit with 

Review: King Princess reigns with new summer anthems

“1950,” which has over 20 million views on YouTube. She released her debut album, “Cheap Queen,” which proved 

Review: King Princess reigns with new summer anthems

heartbreak. “Hold on Baby” is about trying to find that next epic love story. In “Winter Is Hopeful,” Straus

Review: King Princess reigns with new summer anthems

 highlights soft and sultry lyrics to highlight the seasons of her relationship. In “Crowbar,” Straus

Review: King Princess reigns with new summer anthems

brings in soulful lyrics and sings, “Only since you’ve been by my side/Like a crowbar/Prying

Review: King Princess reigns with new summer anthems

at the chip on my shoulder.” However, there are some tracks where Straus doesn’t stray far from the

Review: King Princess reigns with new summer anthems

pop sounds that made her go viral. “For My Friends,” plays with pop synth and feels like a summer 

Review: King Princess reigns with new summer anthems

song meant to be played on the radio. The album isn’t just about love, it’s about self-acceptance. The 

Review: King Princess reigns with new summer anthems

range of sounds that “Hold on Baby” offers, proves Straus isn’t just one sound and isn’t just one 

Review: King Princess reigns with new summer anthems

viral hit with one idea. As she said on social media when announcing “Hold on Baby,” she's an “infinite 

Review: King Princess reigns with new summer anthems

dichotomy of things that make me up. I’m not a girl, not quite a boy, a lesbian, but also gay as the day is long.”