In “Hold on Baby,” King Princess’ second album, there’s something emotionally relatable for all
her listeners. Mikaela Straus, the 23-year-old musician behind King Princess, had a viral breakout hit with
“1950,” which has over 20 million views on YouTube. She released her debut album, “Cheap Queen,” which proved
heartbreak. “Hold on Baby” is about trying to find that next epic love story. In “Winter Is Hopeful,” Straus
highlights soft and sultry lyrics to highlight the seasons of her relationship. In “Crowbar,” Straus
brings in soulful lyrics and sings, “Only since you’ve been by my side/Like a crowbar/Prying
at the chip on my shoulder.” However, there are some tracks where Straus doesn’t stray far from the
pop sounds that made her go viral. “For My Friends,” plays with pop synth and feels like a summer
song meant to be played on the radio. The album isn’t just about love, it’s about self-acceptance. The
range of sounds that “Hold on Baby” offers, proves Straus isn’t just one sound and isn’t just one
viral hit with one idea. As she said on social media when announcing “Hold on Baby,” she's an “infinite
dichotomy of things that make me up. I’m not a girl, not quite a boy, a lesbian, but also gay as the day is long.”